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General Tighter Together

What is Tighter Together?

Tighter Together is our community-wide challenge that takes our efforts and results up a notch with a little “push” in intensity. Tighter Together creates an environment to develop lasting habits and tap into the shared energy of an amazing community. We always accomplish more together!

The challenge officially starts on Monday June 3, 2024. Although the majority of the community will begin on this day, the workouts are yours to complete at the most convenient time for you.

Do I need a Moves App subscription?

Anyone can participate in Tighter Together challenges, but members receive a 40% discount and access to all Moves App features. If you're not a subscriber, your Tighter Together purchase includes 6 months of full logging capabilities, including weight tracking, scheduling, moving, editing, and customizing workouts. After this period, access transitions to view-only mode, unless subscribed.

What is the start date? Can I start any time?

This challenge officially starts on Monday June 3, 2024, which is when the majority of the community will start! That said, workouts, recipes, and materials* provided for this challenge are yours to access whenever is most convenient for you. 

You will notice that upon purchase, “Tighter Together Summer 2024” will show up on your Resources tab. This is where you will find your Challenge Manual, Recipe Guide, Challenge Checklist, and everything you need to get ready. Resources may be printed at your convenience. 

Your workouts will be loaded by May 31st, so that we can start together! If you start the challenge at some point while it is going on, we recommend jumping to the day of workouts that the community is on and then tacking on the beginning portion that you missed at the end. It is super motivating and fun to work alongside the community during the challenge!

*Please note: Macro assessments will ONLY be available during the challenge and must be submitted by June 7, 2024 at 8:00pm EST in order to be processed. Only one assessment per user.

What do I need to prepare?

To get ready for the Tighter Together Challenge starting June 3rd, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Moves App: If you haven't already, download the Moves App to your device.
  2. Log In: Sign in to your Moves App account using the same email address and password you used during the purchase process.
  3. Take your Macro Assessment: If you wish to count macros, complete the Macro Assessment by June 7, 2024 at 8:00pm EST. Each user will receive one assessment.
  4. Review your Challenge Manual: Find valuable resources in the Resources tab of your Moves App toolbar.
  5. Build your Squad: Gather your accountability partners using your unique referral link in the "Refer" tab of the Moves App toolbar. By doing so, you'll also have a chance to win $500 cash and an annual Moves App membership!
  6. New to Moves App? Familiarize yourself with the app by watching the Moves App Tour video in your Resources tab and reading our Get to Know the Moves App blog post.
  7. Start the Tighter Together Plan: Begin the Tighter Together plan once it becomes available on May 31, 2024.
Where do I find my recipes, manual, and other resources?

During the challenge, you’ll find all Tighter Together resources within the Moves App by going to the Resources tab on the bottom toolbar of the Moves App. You will also be able to find them within the Tighter Together program on your Plans tab! 

Your recipe guide and challenge manual are both print-friendly.

Can I print my resources?

Yes, you can print both the Challenge Manual and Recipe Guide. From your Resources tab, open the resource you’re trying to print. On the first page of each resource you’ll see a Print button. From there you can download and print the resource.

What are the Tighter Together Awards?

The Tighter Together Awards are a special recognition program within the Tighter Together challenge, designed to celebrate the progress and impact of participants!

There are three distinct categories of awards:

  1. Personal Achievement: Recognizes individuals who have experienced inspirational personal progress during the challenge.
  2. Community Choice: Acknowledges those who have made a significant impact on their peers.
  3. Community Leader: Given to the leaders of the largest Tighter Together "accountability crew", determined by the members with the most sign-ups using their unique Invite Friends link during challenge sign-ups.

Winners will all receive 1 Year of Moves App as well as up to $1,000 cash. To participate, you must be a Tighter Together Summer 2024 purchaser. Individuals can nominate themselves or others using the submission form throughout the challenge duration. Submissions due Friday, July 5, 2024.

Do I need a Moves App subscription to continue to access Tighter Together?

Your Tighter Together purchase includes 6 months of full Moves App logging capabilities, including weight tracking, scheduling, moving, editing, and customizing workouts, regardless of subscription status. After this period, access to workouts and resources will transition to view-only mode for the specific Tighter Together plan purchased, unless subscribed to the Moves App subscription. However, subscribers have ongoing access to all features, including logging capabilities, for Tighter Together and other programs.

How long do I have access to Tighter Together workouts?

Upon purchase, you will have lifetime access to view Tighter Together workouts, recipes, and materials. All Tighter Together purchasers get 6 months of full logging access for that specific workout plan at no additional cost, regardless of subscription status. After that period, access to full scheduling, moving, editing, and customizing features will require an active subscription to the Moves App.

If you're not a subscriber, your Tighter Together purchase includes 6 months of full logging capabilities, including weight tracking, scheduling, moving, editing, and customizing workouts. After this period, access transitions to view-only mode, unless subscribed.

How do I invite friends to join me?

To invite friends to join you for Tighter Together, simply use your custom link provided within the Moves App on the “Refer” tab. By inviting friends and family to join, not only do you strengthen your support network, but you also increase your chances of winning $500 and 1 Year of a Moves App membership! At the end of the challenge, the community leaders with the largest accountability crews, determined by sign-ups through individual links, will be recognized. To qualify, you must be a participant in Tighter Together Summer 2024, and your friends must sign up using your unique link. Let's build our community together!

Can I gift Tighter Together to someone?

Yes! There is a Tighter Together Gift Code on the Moves App Store. After purchasing this code, you can share it with a friend or family member, allowing them to purchase Tighter Together for free!

Can I do Tighter Together while pregnant?

Always consult with your doctor before starting any workout program during pregnancy. While many participants have safely completed Tighter Together throughout their pregnancies, individual circumstances vary. If you're new to exercise or unsure about modifying workouts for pregnancy, consider our Mom Moves prenatal program, developed with a Women’s Health & Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist for safe prenatal exercise.

If you decide to join Tighter Together, listen to your body and modify as needed. Pregnancy-safe alternatives will be available, but it will be important to educate yourself on proper form, recovery, what to look out for, and when to modify. Consider consulting a Pelvic Floor or Women’s Health PT for personalized guidance.

Once you purchase Tighter Together, the workouts are yours to complete at your own pace. If you're not ready for the full 6-day schedule now, you can do the workouts later. However, full logging capabilities will be limited to the first 6 months after purchase if you're not an active subscriber. After that period, they will be accessible in view-only form.


What is the 4 week meal guide?

The Recipe Guide included with your purchase now includes a 4-Week Meal Guide created by a Registered Dietitian. Each weekly Meal Guides includes 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch,
4 dinners, 2 snacks, and 1 dessert to make a full menu for the week. The lunch recipe and 2 of the dinner recipes utilize a batch prepped protein. Each weekly menu also includes an accompanying grocery list. We did the work for you – all you have to do is grab your grocery list and head to the store!

Where do I take my Macro Assessment?

When you sign up for Tighter Together you will receive a link to the macro assessment in your welcome email. You can also find it in your Challenge Checklist.

Macro assessments must be completed by June 7, 2024 at 8:00pm EST. Only one assessment per user. After that time, submissions will be closed to all users. Please review your submission prior to sending. We will not be able to recalculate your macros after they have been received.

How do I determine my activity level in the Macro Assessment?

Here are a few examples of who might fall into each activity level:

Level 1 – LIGHT: exercise 1-2x/wk + some daily movement

  • New to exercise or returning to exercise after extended time away
  • 6-10 weeks Postpartum
  • 1-2 workouts per week + sitting majority of the day

Level 2 – MODERATE: exercise 3-4x/wk + some daily movement

  • Beginner Moves
  • Weekly Moves + some movement
  • Mom Moves Trimesters 2 & 3
  • Teacher, Host, Retail, Hairdresser

Level 3 – ACTIVE: exercise 5-6x/wk + regular daily movement

  • Weekly Moves + 1+ hours of non-exercise movement per day
  • Endurance Moves
  • Training for 5k or 10k
  • Healthcare (Doctor, Nurse, PT/OT, Pharmacist), Trainer, Server

Level 4 – VERY ACTIVE: exercise ≥ 7x/wk + intense daily movement

  • Weekly Moves + physically demanding job
  • Weekly Moves + 2+ hours of non-exercise movement per day
  • Training for half or full marathon
  • Construction, Mail Carrier, Maintenance
How do I know that my Macro Assessment was received?

You will receive a confirmation email upon submission. Please submit only one assessment per user.

When will my macro count be available?

To receive your personalized macro count, complete the intake assessment provided upon sign up by Friday, June 7, 2024. Calculations are done in order of receipt. Please allow 2-5 days to receive your custom count via email.

This year, calculations include both Fat Loss and Maintenance numbers at no additional cost (a $150 value!). Prolonged deficits (beyond 4-12 weeks) are not recommended. Your Challenge Manual contains guidance on how to transition from a deficit to maintenance.

While Tighter Together workouts and recipes remain accessible to view anytime, macro assessments and our team’s calculation process is exclusive to the challenge period and will not be available after the June 7th cut off date.

Where do I find my Macro Count?

Our team calculates macro counts in the order they were received, so please fill out your assessment promptly upon purchase. You will receive your personal macro count via email and in-app message once it has been calculated – we highly recommend saving this email/message. You will also be able to find your custom macro count in the “Macro Count” tab of the Moves App drawer by clicking the 3 lines in the top left hand corner of your app during the challenge. 

Macro assessments are calculated immediately in time for this Tighter Together challenge, even if you personally intend to start yours at a later date. Macro assessments received after June 7, 2024 will not be accepted.

What is the difference between Fat Loss and Maintenance macros?

The main difference between Fat Loss and Maintenance macros lies in their respective goals and approaches to nutrition. While both options are provided to all participants at no additional cost in Tighter Together Summer 2024 ($150 value!), it's crucial to understand which aligns best with your personal goals and needs.

  1. Maintenance

If your goal is to change body composition without placing an emphasis on losing body weight, use your Maintenance numbers during Tighter Together. This option is ideal for those who want to focus on consistency with their eating habits and properly fuel their bodies. This is a more relaxed approach that can be used for a longer duration. 

  1. Fat Loss

If your goal is to reduce body weight while also changing body composition, use your Fat Loss numbers during Tighter Together. This option will require a calorie deficit. This is a more intense approach designed to be used for only a short duration.

Participants should carefully consider their goals and preferences when choosing between fat loss and maintenance macros. While the provided calculations have been formulated by experts, individual biofeedback and personal needs should always take precedence. Detailed education on macro counting and how to adjust if needed is available in the Tighter Together Challenge Manual to support participants in making informed decisions about their nutrition journey.

Why did I get both Fat Loss and Maintenance macro counts?

The Moves Nutrition Team feels strongly that by providing all participants with both fat loss AND maintenance macro counts, we are setting you up for longer-term success. By providing both macro counts you’ll be able to more easily navigate your nutrition after Tighter Together and beyond.

I’m pregnant. Why did I only get a Maintenance macro count?

Dieting, attempting to maintain weight, or losing weight during pregnancy could affect your baby's access to essential nutrients crucial for growth and development. We recommend maintaining a balanced and nutrient-rich diet, coupled with a healthy exercise routine, to promote positive body composition adjustments. For personalized advice and support tailored to your needs, consult your healthcare provider to ensure both you and your baby receive the necessary nutrients for a healthy pregnancy.

I’m breastfeeding. Why doesn’t my Fat Loss macro count have Low Carb and High Carb days?

While we provide both Maintenance and Fat Loss macro counts for breastfeeding, you'll notice that your Fat Loss macro count does not have Carb Cycling numbers (low carb and high carb). Instead you’ll see one set of “Average Intake” numbers for your Fat Loss macro count. It’s important to have a steady caloric intake day-to-day while breastfeeding to ensure adequate milk supply and energy levels. If you choose to utilize your Fat Loss macro count, you will still be in a caloric deficit week-to-week and able to achieve your body weight and composition goals.

Training support

What equipment will I need to complete Tighter Together?

Your gym setting will have everything you need for the challenge (dumbbells, barbell, cable machine, exercise ball, etc). If you cannot locate something that you need, don’t be afraid to ask your gym staff! They can always help you out.


YES – all workouts can be done from home! Check out some of our favorite equipment in our Amazon Storefront!

You will need:

  • Dumbbells (5 lb – 30 lb)
  • Mini Loop Bands 
  • Long Loop Bands or Cable Machine
  • Box or Bench (or elevated surface of choice, like a chair, cooler, picnic table bench, sturdy storage container, coffee table, etc)
  • Optional Items: exercise ball, jump rope, kettlebell, barbell, weighted slam ball, cardio machines

If you do not have a piece of equipment that is needed for an exercise, easily swap to one of your exercise alternatives!

When will the workouts be available?

The workouts will populate by Friday, May 31, 2024. This allows us to start together as a community on June 3rd!

If you want to start working out with us prior to the start of the challenge, we suggest exploring a Moves App Membership! We have several program offerings that are fit for different stages of life to help you prepare for Tighter Together and continue progress post challenge. 

Can I do shorter 30-minute workouts?

Yes! You’ll see two versions of each workout in weeks 1-4 of your programming – a 60-minute option and a 30-minute option. The programming is exactly the same in both versions, just with less volume (sets/rounds) in the 30-minute version. To utilize the 30-minute version, simply click on the workout you’re planning to do, select “30 Minute”, then click “Start Workout”. Here’s how!

This is an invaluable asset to those who are wanting an effective and accessible starting point, have busy schedules, or just want to save the 60-minute version for another time in the future! The 30-minute workouts can ALSO be used ad-hoc on individual days where you just needed a shorter workout.

I can only workout 3 days per week. Which workouts should I prioritize?

Although Tighter Together is designed to be a push phase, you do not need to complete all 6 workouts per week in order to see results. If a schedule with less days is what will fit your schedule best or allow you to stay most consistent, lean into that! 

You’ll find a recommended 3-day and 4-day split schedule in your Challenge Manual. Here’s how to move a workout or delete a workout from your calendar.

How do I start the Tighter Together program and add the workouts to my calendar?

Tighter Together workouts will be loaded into your app by May 31st. To add the workouts to your calendar:

Click the “Plans” tab in your app navigation bar, then select the Tighter Together folder, then the Tighter Together Summer 2024 program. Click “Start Plan” and you will be brought to a screen where you can select your start date! To start with the community, select Monday, June 3rd. If you’d like to do the challenge at a later date, select the date that works best for you. This will populate the workouts onto your calendar on the homepage.

If you were following another program prior to starting Tighter Together, don’t forget to pause or stop that program once you start Tighter Together to remove the workouts from your calendar for the duration of the challenge.

How do I stop my current program’s workouts from showing up on my calendar during Tighter Together?

Once Tighter Together workouts begin, navigate to the Plans tab and stop your current program. This will remove the workouts in your current plan from your calendar so you don’t see duplicate workouts during Tighter Together.

  1. For Weekly Moves: You will “unfollow” that program to remove the weekly workouts from populating on your calendar. 
  2. For all other Moves programs: You will have the option to stop or temporarily pause the program – we’d recommend pausing if you plan to jump back in after Tighter Together.

Once Tighter Together has ended, you’ll “follow” or resume your previous program using the same process.

I’m new to Moves App. How do I use all of the features?

We’re so excited you joined us for Tighter Together! Our app has tons of awesome features – we’d love to show you around. From the Home screen of your app, click the hamburger icon (3 lines) in the top left corner, then click FAQ’s. From here you can explore how to get started, how to use all of the app features, billing questions, and more.

Still have questions?

Talk to us, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as we can.

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